Visual Identity

ブランド誕生から70周年を迎える美津和タイガーのリブランディングプロジェクトを担当しロゴマークを一新しました。 「機能性とスタイル」「ONとOFF」「野球と日常」 ジャンルやカテゴリーを越え「CROSSOVER」を基本姿勢とし専業メーカーからのイメージ脱却を目指すことをリブランディングコンセプトとしプロジェクトを進めました。そしてビジュアル面では「牙を研げ」をブランドメッセージとし、「強い相手であっても向かって牙を立て、どんな困難なチャレンジにも挑み続けてほしい」という思いを込め、虎が牙をむく様と頭文字のMとTのモノグラムで新ロゴデザインを表現しました。

We were responsible for the rebranding project of Mitsuwa Tiger, who is celebrating 70 years since the establishment of the brand, and we renewed their logo as a part of this project. In progressing with the project, we aimed to break away from their image of being a specialised manufacturer by going over the boundaries of genres and categories, and we portrayed a ‘crossover’ by showcasing the mix between concepts like ‘functionality and style’, ‘on and off’ and ‘baseball and daily life’. In terms of visuals, we made the brand message ‘sharpen one’s fangs’. This was made the brand message because we wanted to portray this message: “Stand up to anyone despite them bring string. Snarl at them. Continue to confront any difficult challenges”. We used the monogram ‘MT’ for a couple of reasons. The ‘M’ represents the appearance of a tiger showing its fangs which relates to the brand message, and both letters ‘M’ and ‘T’ are the first letters of the brand name Mitsuwa Tiger.